Existen varias películas en las que el piano y algún pianista son los protagonistas de la historia. De entre las más recientes, destaca la oscarizada The Green Book. ¿Qué se puede decir de esta maravillosa película que no se haya dicho antes? En realidad, poco más se puede añadir más que recomendar encarecidamente verla cuanto antes. Porque se trata de una película única, con un magnífico guión que habla sobre las relaciones humanas, la intoleranca, el cultivo de la amistad entre dos caracteres radicalemente diferentes, la dignidad y la superación de graves dificultades.
Since a few years ago (maybe four or five) I'm following the advice the great pianists Arrau and Hofmann gave on their respective books. I think it's a healty habit. After a hard year of work and concerts, the body, mind and soul of the pianist must take a rest. Of course mind and soul (for those who believe on it) never rest but they are far more useful if they stop being interfered by a non stopping action. Their never ending growing, improving and maturing nature is benefited from being temporary out the daily practice rutine.
Well, this is quite strange but I'm having that syndrome right now. I was very excited by the idea of having my own blog. I want to write, I want to share my thoughts trough the world but I'm sitted right now in front of my computer and nothing appears... Wait a moment, just happened! I just wrote some words! Some complete sentences! Well, I have many things to talk about music, arts, life itself. Do you happen the same?
This is a test of my blog. The photograph shown on the left is a vintage photograph of my home town, Madrid, taken during th XIX Century.